Special Thanks

This play is dedicated to 

Rachel and Manuel Tapia.

The playwright would like to thank the following people, without whose contributions this project would not have taken the shape it has:

Oscar Baez
Wes Bernstein
Jackie Bernstein

Mustapha Boustta

Diane Gomez Burden

Ross Carmichael

Rachel DeMasi

Maria Enriquez

Marissa Garcia-Kaliner

David Garcia-Villareal

Manuela Alejandra Gomez

Horacio Javier Gonzalez

Trinidad Gonzalez

Ryan Morales Green

Paula Henao

Robert Michael Hish

Grace Marisol Hoover

Cori Jackson

Sandra Kanyamehito-Watson

Sara Kennedy

Raquel Lodeiro

Jeff Luttermoser

Phillip Mann

Luz Beatriz Barone Meck

José Jorge Mendoza

Karis Miller

José Morales, Jr.

Steven Moreno

Aleax Olivera

Marco A. Piña

L. Sebastian Purcell

Richard Ribb

Angel Rivera

J. Rodriguez

Amy Rosenberry

Robert Eli Sanchez, Jr.

Diego Sandino

Viviana Stokes-Mendoza

Martha N. Terrazas-Diaz

Felix Valencia

Wilfredo Valentin-Marquez

Josean Veguilla

Alec M Vigil

Amber Lynn Zambrana

Additionally, the Society for Mexican-American Philosophy and its members, Refusing To Forget and its members, Highmark and its staff, and everyone who stopped and shared a little bit of their own lives with him during this project

Also, notably, his mom, Amanda; his dad, Sal; his brothers, Joel and Steve; his sister, Samantha; his tios, Pete and Sam; his cousins, Karis, Mina, and Sarina; his grandma, Rachel; and his husband, partner, and collaborator, Jeff.